
Le ROI (Retour sur l’Investissement) est devenu le facteur clé sur lequel les décideurs se concentrent pour mesurer l’impact des médias sociaux sur les résultats de leur stratégie Marketing. Seulement voilà, le ROI subit le rythme accéléré de l’évolution des plate-formes des médias sociaux. Le Responsable Marketing / Commercial est donc obligé de se tenir au courant des tendances et des impacts pour conserver le ROI des médias sociaux de la stratégie marketing de sa société. 

Je partage l’article publié par Search Engine Watch. Pour rester fidèle à l’origine, j’ai conservé la langue anglaise dans laquelle il est écrit. 

L’année 2020 continue sur sa lancée pour confirmer les tendances 2019 des  plate-formes médias sociaux. 

Que peut-on retenir de ces tendances ?

Le marketing par les médias sociaux se dirige vers une étape davantage axée sur le ROI (Retour sur l’Investissement). L’enrichissement des plate-formes rende possible le calcul des indicateurs de performances d’une stratégie marketing social

Le seul moyen pour progresser est de :

  • Comprendre le profil et les attentes de vos prospects
  • Réexaminer votre stratégie marketing sur les réseaux sociaux
  • Allouer du temps et du budget aux nouveaux outils et technologies
  • Rester concentré sur ce qui fonctionne
  • Faire de votre mieux pour créer la confiance avec vos utilisateurs

Ce qui suit provient de l’article original publié sur Search Engine Watch.

Messaging will grow even more

Messaging apps have already passed social media apps in usage. People are moving beyond public posts on social media to private messaging, whether it’s simply about reaching their friends, clients or prospects.

Back from 2017, messaging is the first trend that will affect their social strategies.

WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber, WeChat hold a large percentage of the messaging market and they already introduced additional features to go beyond messaging, from Stories and news updates to automated bots for customer service and e-commerce functions.

Source: Statista

There is a whole new world to try out as a brand and we’re already seeing big brands and publishers tapping into the messaging trend.

The truth is, the amount of time people spend on messaging apps has grown exponentially and is much higher compared to any other platform, including social media. Brands need to recognize this and adjust accordingly.

Data breaches make trust more important than ever

The reason that messaging apps became even more popular is the growing lack of trust in social networks.

It’s been a turbulent year for Facebook, for example, which made many users uncomfortable in sharing their data.

Privacy concerns are increasing and it makes all social media platforms realize that trust is crucial. Facebook is learning the lesson the hard way that you need to be more mindful about the use of data.

As a brand, the growing discussion about social data and privacy concerns brings out the importance of building trust with your audience.

It’s useful for a brand to be transparent with its audience, whether it’s about admitting their mistakes or even to update their audiences on a recent change. Such factors can help their customers trust them and even be more open to hearing more from them in future campaigns.

Narrowing down the focus on specific channels

Social media marketing is becoming more competitive and the most successful professionals realize that you need to focus on the best-performing channels for your business.

Gone are the days when you had to join Facebook simply because ‘everybody was there.’ Nowadays, it’s more important to go after niche audiences that are relevant to your business. There’s no need to broadcast the same message to all platforms if you don’t see a successful result from it.

Don’t be afraid to limit down your work to two channels, for example, if you’re noticing that these two channels will bring you the best ROI.

We can all start the new year by making the most of our time and spending it on the channels that are only worth our attention.

The more distractions we are having, the higher the chances to lose our focus. Start by analyzing where your audience is and which channels work better for your business goals.

Review your current performance and set goals to improve it in the right direction that you want to move.

The ad spend is increasing but you’ll need to consider ad saturation

Social media advertising has been on the rise the last few years. We are now able to create social ads in multiple channels and it’s up to us to decide on the objectives and the type of ads that we want to use.

There has been an increasing success for many brands that used paid social in the marketing mix. It’s no surprise that there is a growing ad spend across marketers.

For example, Instagram’s level of engagement has intrigued more marketers to increase their ad spend to the channel, both on the feed and the Stories.

As Facebook was becoming more saturated with the existing competition, Instagram started showing up as a great alternative to promote your brand.

A growing ad spend indicates the increasing interest in a platform, but it can also signal the start of an increasing cost to promote your business.

Instagram Feed and Stories seem to bring a good ROI for many brands, but what if more marketers create ads for the specific platform?

It’s good to consider that it’s not a good idea to rely too much on one platform, either for organic or paid growth.

There is only a set space for ads in each platform so the competition may push the costs to increase.

Videos, podcasts, and live streaming

Blog posts can still be effective in 2020. Long-form posts can still engage readers, provided that they are appealing and properly formatted to facilitate the reading experiences across all devices.

Content consumption though goes way further than written text, with videos and podcasts seeing great success.

From the rise of YouTube to the introduction of IGTV, social media platforms were always interested in highlighting video content.

Facebook has even adjusted their algorithm to ensure that video posts show up more frequently on our feeds.

Video marketing is becoming more appealing both for brands but also for users who notice the content that stands out.

It’s only a matter of time until videos take over the whole social media world. 2020 will be the year that more brands will experiment with different types of video among different channels:

  • Short videos with captions are really appealing to mobile users and are also accessible to everyone. They can be found on any social media platform with Facebook favoring them in their algorithm. They can make really effective ads and they’ve already been used quite extensively from ads.
  • Vertical videos on Snapchat and Instagram Stories grow really fast in popularity and we already see many ads in a vertical format. It’s a format that will grow even more like a trend due to the improved viewing experience in mobile screens.
  • Long videos of powerful storytelling can still keep an audience engaged. Whether it’s YouTube, Facebook, or even IGTV, there is an increasing need for video stories that can be interesting enough to convince the viewers to watch more than a few seconds.
  • Live streaming is also another big trend that is now available across many different platforms. Users turn into broadcasters and brands become publishers to come closer to their audience. There are numerous opportunities to benefit from a live streaming strategy.

Except for videos, podcasts have also seen a growing success. Audio content is bringing the radio days back as a great way to catch up with your favorite stories and brands when you’re on the go.

More marketers are experimenting with podcasts, either to build their own personal brand or to promote their business. What makes podcasts special is the fact that they still focus on the content rather than the promotion. People subscribe to a podcast because they are interested in the content, whether it comes from a brand or another person.

The post Top social media trends appeared first on Search Engine Watch.

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A propos de l'auteur 

Rouhina Rahbarian

J'ai le plaisir de partager sur ce blog des tutoriels et des bonnes pratiques en Marketing & Prospection Digitale B2B. Et oui, +20 ans 🙂 d'expériences, ça fait un grand grand grand packet de savoir-faire, de contenus et d'outils à partager. Et lorsque je ne suis pas en train d'écrire ici, c'est surement mon autre passion, parcourir les sites naturels à vélo 🚴 , qui m'a appelée.

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